Earlier in the summer Leisha and Jared's cousin Taylor Morley came to Lake Powell to hang out with us for awhile. He, Jared, and I climbed all over the place.
The great Risk game: Leisha and Jon pwned Jeff and Jared big time! Laura provided moral support by making popcorn for both teams.
Leisha and Jon on one of their hikes. Jon won the "mountain goat" award for effortlessly running (floating) up steep hills with no apparent effort in about 1/10th the time of the rest of us!
The kids and I on top of the world....
Poor babies were tired after a windy/rainy night that sent everybody fleeing off the top of the houseboat into the interior in the middle of the night.
We were at Lake Powell with Leisha, Jon, and Jared at the end of August. The weather was comfortable, even though we got hit with a couple of big rainstorms and windstorms.
We all hiked on the surrounding red sandstone cliffs. It was stunningly beautiful and serene!